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Wimbledon Cake

This traditional cake is simple, refreshing, and not too sweet. This will be the perfect cake to whip up quickly for your next summer gathering. This crowd pleaser is so light it's perfect for enjoying on those hot summer days. The best part is you can change up the filling each time, which makes this the perfect go to cake.


For the cake:

3 large eggs

½ cup sugar

½ cup flour

1 tbsp vanilla extract

For the filling:

1 ½ cups heavy whipping cream

½ cup sugar

3-4 tbsp strawberry jam

Fresh strawberries, sliced

Fresh blueberries


Lightly butter two 7-inch cake pans and preheat the oven to 375ºF. In a large mixing bowl add the eggs and sugar. Using an electric mixture, beat the mixture on high until the mixture becomes pale yellow and is thick enough to leave a trail when the whisks are lifted.

Add the vanilla and mix for a minute until it is well incorporated. Sift half of the flour into the egg mixture and gently fold. Add the remaining flour and fold in, be sure to not over mix which can result in less of a rise and a dense cake.

Divide the mix between the two prepared cake pans being sure to spread evenly. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes. The cake should be well risen and have a golden color. Leave the cake to cool for 15 minutes.

In a medium mixing bowl, add the whipping cream and sugar and beat on high until the cream is thick and peaks hold well.

Once the cake is cooled, take one layer and using a small spatula coat a thin layer of the strawberry jam on the top. Dollop half of the whipping cream on top of the layer and evenly distribute the berries in a circular pattern. Lay the second cake layer on top and repeat the same process. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

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