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The Gift of Roses

What girl doesn't like flowers? They smell great and look pretty. They always make you feel like a little girl and they bring warmth, color, and life into your home. There are so many flowers that vary in size and color. Some look like they were patiently created with the utmost delicacy and others show that no matter how harsh an environment is you can find some beauty within it. When it comes to one specific flower, the Rose holds a special spot amongst all the flowers. They are one of nature's most elegant element if you ask me. That's probably why they are so popular and used for so many occasions. The most famous is probably the Red Rose given to show affection and love. Just about every color represents some sort of feeling.

However, when it comes to gifts there's nothing like giving someone Roses. It's a simple act of kindness and an old fashioned gesture that you hardly ever see nowadays. It's become something that normally is associated with romance and special occasions. But who says we can't make an ordinary day a special occasion? When someone gives you a bouquet of Roses you feel all bubbly inside and a sense of happiness fills your whole body. You can't help but pull the bouquet and smell them and I always tend to softly stroke the petals. You get this warm feeling inside every time someone hands you a blooming bouquet, but why? Maybe it is the unexpectedness of the gift? Perhaps it's the creativity and thoughtfulness behind it? Yes, it may not be a brand new watch or iTunes gift card, but while it is something so simple it really is so much more.

Roses, or any flower for that matter, is a gift that you can share with anyone. It could be your best friend or maybe your cousin. While it may seem like such a simple gift, it can be a sweet gesture that shows appreciation and gratitude from one person to another. It is guaranteed to put a smile on their face. While it may not be a gift that lasts, it is a gift that can have a meaning of its own. So if you have trouble finding a gift for someone, think about a fresh bouquet of Roses, it is sure to brighten their day.

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