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Kissing the Year Goodbye

A year ago, we eagerly sat in the living room waiting for the clock to strike twelve, for 2021 would be the year we became parents. Now, our New Year’s celebration consisted of Whataburger biscuits while watching The Great British Baking Show and snuggling under a blanket. All I wanted was a quiet night at home because I was in the early part of the pregnancy and dealing with the typical morning sickness. Now, this year, I find myself enjoying another night at home, with a little more festivities in mind, while our little one sleeps through the night. And as I reflect on this past year, I think it is safe to say that 2021 was a year with many twists and turns.

The greatest moment of the year was of course the arrival of our precious daughter. Nothing could compare to that special moment when we finally held her in our arms as the rest of the world faded away. Our new little family was safe and together and that was all that mattered. But while this year brought one of the greatest joys of my life, it also brought many challenges, struggles, and unexpected changes. While pregnant and in becoming a mother, I learned many things about myself and the things I needed to let go of. The year itself brought many unexpected things that we had to adapt to or change our plans to go with the new life situations we found ourselves in. Some changes were hard to make, while others we can look back at now and see how much better things are than what we had planned for the year. And through all of those twists and turns, I felt that God was there guiding me and teaching me along the way.

For one, I learned I didn’t need to do everything by myself, something I have struggled with all my life. This was a struggle that I faced very early on in the year, and oh how I fought it. I guess you could say I felt as if I had to prove to not just others but myself that I was capable of accomplishing things on my own. But the truth is that no matter how much we think we can carry on our own, we can always carry more when we let others help us. Being pregnant forced me to depend more on my husband and on the rest of my family. It taught me to trust others’ abilities to complete the tasks I needed help with and to let go of always wanting to be in control. I learned to value the help of those around me and to accept their charity when it comes to helping me and my family. This was something that I always cherished. But this year I saw for the first time just how much I truly depend on my family, and how much in the past I had rejected the help that was given to me. I had to turn a new leaf because I just couldn’t carry the responsibility and the weight on my own. I also had to accept the selfless love that others give, just as I want them to accept the love that I give.

Another lesson this year brought was learning to let go of what we can’t control and accepting change. But this struggle was not so much one I battled with, but one that so many people were battling. You would think that after 2020 we would all learn to accept that we don’t control everything that happens to us and learn to adapt to the unexpected changes that sometimes life throws at us. I think many people are still struggling with this, and as we kiss this year goodbye and await the New Year with new hopes and dreams, we need to take a moment to reflect on that thought. Instead of focussing on why things didn’t work out the way we planned, we should try to see the good that comes from it and the lessons that those challenges bring. If we focus on only the negative and the fact that it isn’t what we are comfortable with, then we are going to miss seeing the hidden message that God has for each one of us. He does not allow us to go through challenges that we aren’t capable of handling. If we could just trust that after every storm there is a rainbow, then when we are faced with the unexpected we won’t panic but instead, find how that struggle can become a moment filled with a glimmer of light that leads to a better future. We have to remember that we can’t be so closed-minded to new and unexpected things. If we are, we will miss out on so many wonderful opportunities and experiences. Not to mention we will miss out on getting to grow with those we love and growing with the new people that enter our lives. If we allow ourselves to focus on the negative and see ourselves as victims when the unexpected happens, we are doomed for a life filled with sadness and fear. Our lives are too short to focus on the bad, we must train ourselves to see not only things for what they really are but to find the light that shines in the middle of the darkness.

I could probably go on with many more lessons this past year taught me, but as we enter a new year I think the main point to reflect on is simply this; we must be willing to accept the changes that come our way with an open heart and an open mind while trusting in God to give us the strength to endure the struggles in our lives that not only help us grow, but that also prepare us to receive the greatest blessings in our lives. In doing so we must remember to find the good in those dark moments in order to fill our hearts with joy and love. If we let our hearts fill with doubt, lies, and darkness, then our lives will only be a reflection of that. And in doing so we must remember that we are not meant to endure any of this alone. God put us on this earth together so we may help one another. We must remember to accept the love, charity, and help that those around us offer because it is that help that will allow us to endure the challenges and struggles in our lives. Each one of us is the light that another person needs to find their way through those dark times. So let us kiss this year goodbye with a fond goodbye and welcome the New Year with the hope that no matter the hardships that will come, that we will be filled with faith, love, and optimism to endure the struggles and to find the beauty in every dark room we enter. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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